Tea or Coffee exhibition? Presented from September 5 to October 5, 2024, in resonance with the 17th Biennale de Lyon - Contemporary Art, it reveals the works of painters Ivan de la Rionda and Cynthia Pedrosa.

Ivan de la Rionda

Cynthia Pedrosa

Exhibition "Présent.e.s" with Naïs Marcon (paintings) & Jean Vincent (ceramics)

July - August 2024

Naïs Marcon

Jean Vincent

Exhibition "Traces" June -July 2024 with Marie-Hélène Blanck & Jean Vincent

Marie-Hélène Blanck

Jean Vincent

Exhibition "Insolitude" Philippe Hérard from March 7 to May 25, 2024

Zhang Chi : exhibition "Peaks of nature" from January 25 to March 3, 2024

Exhibition "du végétal au minéral" from October 5th to November 18th 2023

Alexandre Breuil

Thomas Fouque

Sylvie Pons

Exhibition "Rouilles & Métal-morphoses" September  2023

Didier Dupeux

Sébastien Ruiz

Exhibition "Faces" July & August 2023

Laura Fritisse


Babu Bommel                                        May 25-June 30, 2023

"Les Arts en Ballade 2023": Noworytha. More than 730 visitors !

Exibition "Abstract interlude" April 26, May 25, 2023

Arthur Dorval

Théo Lopez

Pierre Berger

Exhibition of photos and  sculptures March 9 - April 20, 2023

"Dans la tête de Nicolas Baghir"

Diane de Sein Leger

 Thank you all for coming to admire the work of Nicolas Baghir (photographs) and Diane de Sein Leger (sculptures) on Thursday, March 9, 2023 and thank you for your glowing reviews.

Diane de Sein Leger was at the Gallery on Saturday March 25, 2023 to present her magnificent pieces in bronze, concrete, resin and ceramics in person and to discuss her work with you in a friendly atmosphere and Nicolas came several times to exchange with you especially at the closing of the exhibition.

Laurent Delaire Exhibition

"Ces blancs que je creuse”

January 26 - March 4, 2023

Opening exhibition "Ces blancs que je creuse” January 26, 2023

Many people attended the opening exhibition on the evening of Thursday, January 26 dedicated to the works of Laurent Delaire and appreciated his work as shown by your glowing reviews. Thank you all for these warm moments, a welcome interlude in this winter cold.

Collective Exhibition

December 15,  2022  - January 21, 2023

 The collective exhibition which brought together François Bardet, Elisabeth Carli, Frédéric Nolleau and Sylvie Pons continued until January 21, 2023, allowing you to meet the artists again and to view their works once again or to discover them. You can contact the Gallery if you have didn’t have the opportunity to see them again during this extended period. We are at your disposal to help with your favorite pieces.

Thanks again to all those who braved the bad weather and the cold to come and meet the artists François Bardet, Elisabeth Carli, Frédéric Nolleau and Sylvie Pons during the opening on December 15, 2022. A convivial evening of discovery with a good mulled wine to warm us up.


François Bardet



 Elisabeth Carli



Frédéric Nolleau



Sylvie Pons


Babu Bommel Exhibition

November 17 au December 12,  2022

Opening of the Exhibition on November  17, 2022

Thank you for coming. A pleasant moment and enjoyable encounters.

Video made by Catherine Pavloff using her own photos and photos by Laurence Creusot and Fabrice Nivoit.

OUZANI Exhibition

October 6 - November 5,   2022

Opening of the Exhibition on October 6, 2022

Thank you to all those who were present at the opening of the exhibition of OUZANI's works. Thank you also to those who helped me to make this inauguration a moment of sharing and beautiful encounters. It was a real pleasure to welcome you to my very young gallery. For those who could not come, OUZANI's works are on display until November 5, 2022.


Do not hesitate to step through the door to the gallery!